Pistevo Decision is an elite management and technology consulting firm with strong experience in developing impactful software and data product.

We first established by providing professional services in financial industry and successfully helped our client migrating data from traditional to a modernized NoSQL data warehouse. Our success earned us multiple leadership roles in The Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO), including Architecture Workgroup Chairperson and Logical Data Model Redesign Development Workgroup Co-Chair.

On technology side, Pistevo chairs the BI & AI committee at Linux Foundation for over 5 years and published various white papers and best practices with other industry leaders including Microsoft, IBM, Uber, and Stanford University.

“Pistevo” is a Greek word meaning to trust or believe, which is critical to make a solution successful, in addition to a strong technical approach. We aim to build a technical-sounded solution which people can trust.

Big decision will for sure have big impact. But even small decisions can accumulatively change the destiny. Hence, whether success or not depends on every choice, which we will help you to make appropriately and creatively.

Pistevo Decision is a merger of an elite Consulting firm (4C Decision found 2014) and an innovative technology product company (Pistevo Health, subsidiary of 4C found in 2019) to provide management and technology solution which people can use and trust. That’s why the merger name Pistevo Decision.


We have a team of passionated and experienced professionals ready to provide practical business solution with the right technology.

Cupid Chan
Cupid ChanCEO
Harry Quon
Harry QuonChief Medical Officer
Calvin Chiew
Calvin ChiewData & Analytics Architect
Phil Phan
Phil PhanBoard of Advisors
Ferdinand Hui
Ferdinand HuiBoard of Advisors


Technology is just a toy for geeks if it cannot provide or support business value.


You focus on business. We support you.

Always There For You

You are not our customer. We are partner.


We provide full stack of technology services, end-to-end.

Taking Care of Business

We treat your business as ours


Not only works, but works securely

Power of the cloud

Sorry, no “life and shift” for cloud because people usually miss one of the “f”
